Events: Foraging in May / Tuna Canning / Slow Food Magazine
A quick post with some highlights for our members or those considering becoming/renewing members...
We still have a few spots left in our Tuna Canning Event on March 30. This event is only open to our members.
If you are a member interested in attending the tuna event, or not a member but interested in becoming one and attending, please feel free to contact us at for more information.
Also note that with the new membership. members receive the the new Slow Food USA magazine Slow USA in April and October. The first issue will be published in April. Keep an eye out for it!
And lastly, we finalizing the details for our next Slow Food event: a late May foraging walk with local author and forager Melany Vorass.
Her book is called the Front Yard Forager and is a great introduction to what to do with the many wild edibles you can find right here in the urban environment! Members, be on the lookout for an email with the pre-sale details to come out in the next few weeks.
We, the local all-volunteer board of Slow Food Seattle, are very committed to our members and helping to improve the local experience! If you have thoughts, suggestions, questions, please feel free to contact us at We'd love to hear from you!