a worldwide Slow Food festival to unite our food, our planet, and our future.
Terra Madre Salone del Gusto is Slow Food’s flagship international festival. Hosted every other year in Turin, Italy, this event is the best food conference you’ve ever been to, combined with a huge food marketplace, workshops, networking, music, and the flavors of the world. The next festival will take place in September 2026!
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Photo credit: slowfood.com
According to Paolo Di Croce, General Secretary of Slow Food, “the environmental and climate crisis we’re living through, and the great challenge of putting drastic change into effect within the next ten years, as the UN tell us is necessary, together with this historic moment in the life of Slow Food, make the next edition of Terra Madre an extraordinary occasion, perhaps the most important yet celebrated”.
Slow Food USA encourages Americans to attend the event and has 195 delegate scholarships available from Slow Food International. The scholarships will cover accommodation, meals, and ground transportation (not air travel).
Photo credit: slowfood.com